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The future of real estate lead conversion is here.

Deep Learning AI:
making the humanly
impossible possible.
Artificial Intelligence (AI) is transforming lead generation as we know it. With industry- specific chatbots on the rise, real estate agents are already seeing the benefits of leveraging AI. But in practice, the chatbots that have come to market are - quite frankly - intellectually challenged. Bound by predefined if/then logic, they aren’t capable of responding to concepts outside their limited rulebook.

TrueAI is built on deep learning algorithms, so it learns and understands new concepts all by itself. Our chatbot not only engages leads with authetic, natural conversation. It also qualifies more prospects with more success than a day allows. A human day, that is.
Meet Rue:
a self-learning humanoid with remarkable comprehension.
Without you lifting a finger, Rue will:
  • Initiate conversations with new leads in real time
  • Maintain dynamic communication until she has successfully qualified a lead for you
  • Set appointments that suit your schedule
  • Express empathy, understand intent, and infer information through meaning and tone
  • Intelligently nurture existing leads and regularly engage those in your sphere of influence
  • Gain mastery of new concepts, syntax, and language nuances she is exposed to through her conversations
Decoding Artificial Intelligence
Machines are considered to have artificial intelligence when they can replicate human cognitive skills, rather than simply carrying out inputs from users. Machine learning is an approach to AI in which an algorithm learns to make predictions from input data without having to be programmed. One technique used in machine learning is a neural network, which draws on the structure and function of the brain, relaying information between layers of “artificial neurons”. Deep learning uses very large, complex neural networks to process and analyze information.

Image attribution and paraphrasing from: The Scientist, 1 May 2019, “A Primer: Artificial Intelligence Versus Neural Networks”

Rue’s capabilities are made possible only through dynamic deep learning.
Most chatbots are built on a descision tree structure — a simple flowchart that can only understand and respond to a limited number of options. But this models barely scratches the surface of vast AI potential.Rue’s deep learning architecture is a complex and multi-layered neural network, so she is able to learn quickly on the job. She’s the assistant you’ve always wanted.

Learning Models

Rue’s capabilities are made possible only through dynamic deep learning.

Most chatbots are built on a descision tree structure — a simple flowchart that can only understand and respond to a limited number of options. But this models barely scratches the surface of vast AI potential.Rue’s deep learning architecture is a complex and multi-layered neural network, so she is able to learn quickly on the job. She’s the assistant you’ve always wanted.

With Rue, you’ll never lose a lead to a confused chatbot.

Rue masters lead nurture, naturally.

Plus, live chat dramatically outperforms drip campaigns in lead capture and conversion, every single time.

Put Rue in your books
before she raises her prices.

With a $100 down payment, you receive:

  • Your first month covered-100 leads qualified for $100
  • Ongoing price of $1 per lead
Prelaunch price = $1 per lead
After launch = $2 a lead
Coming May 2020!